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mwp Configuration#


mwp stores configuration in a number of places, to some degree at the developer's whim, but also in accordance with the data item's volatility.

  • Command line options
  • Configuration Files
  • dconf / gsettings

Each type is further discussed below.

Command line options#

Command line options provide a 'per instantiation' means to control mwp behaviour; the current set of command line options may be viewed by running mwp from the command line with the single option --help:

$ mwp --help

Where it is required to give permanence to command line options, they can be added to the configuration file $HOME/.config/mwp/cmdopts (on Windows $LOCALAPPDATA/mwp/cmdopts), which is described in more detail in the following section.

Note that the documentation will habitually refer to the configuration base directory as ~/.config as that is where it is found on the majority of OS; if you're using Windows, please adjust as necessary.

You can also use a system-wide "cmdopts" file, /etc/default/mwp. If this flie exists, it will read before the user's file.

  • For singular options, any option in the user file will override the system file
  • For multiply occurring options, e.g. --radar-device, definitions will be additive.
  • Environment variables can be set from either or both files.

Debug flags#

The --debug-flags option takes a numeric value defines areas where additional debug information may be output.

Value Usage
1 Waypoints
2 Startup
32 (unused)
256 GCS Location
512 Line of sight
1024 Radar
2048 Maps

Values may be ORd together (so 4095 means all).

Configuration Files#

mwp configuration files are stored in a standard directory $HOME/.config/mwp. This directory is created on first invocation if it does not exist.

Platform differences#

  • POSIX XDG compliance : User Configuration directory ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME)
  • POSIX fallback : $HOME/.config

The following files may be found in the mwp directory:


The file cmdopts contains command line options that the user wishes to apply permanently (and conveniently when run from a launcher icon rather than the command line).

The file contains CLI options exactly as would be issued from the terminal. Options may be on separate lines, and blank lines and line prefixed with a hash '#' are ignored. For example:

In addition to options (--), the file may also contain environment variables e.g. FOO=BAR.

# Default options for mwp
--rings 50,20
#--voice-command "spd-say -t female2 -e"
#-S 8192
# set the anonymous tile file.

So here the only current, valid options are --rings 50,20 --dont-maximise, and the environment variable MWP_BLACK_TILE is set (for anonymous maps).

The environment is set before any GTK / UI calls are made.

Map Sources#

mwp provides by default:

  • OpenStreetMap Mapnik
  • OpenStreetMap Cycle Map
  • OpenStreetMap Transport Map
  • Maps for Free Relief
  • Bing Maps (no API key required, for as long as the service remains available).
  • MapBox (requires API key)
  • ESRI Clarity

Mapbox API Key management#

In preparation for the announced removal of the Bing Maps service, mwp adds a MapBox entry where the user has acquired a Mapbox API key.

This key may be either stored in the Desktop keyring (managed by libsecret) or as a plain text string in the gsettings database.


Add to the keyring using secret-tool with the following attributes:

secret-tool store --label="Mapbox API" name mapbox-api-key domain org.stronnag.mwp
Password: *************************************************


Alternatively, the key can be added to the gsettings database:

 gsettings set org.stronnag.mwp mapbox-apikey 'pk.xxxxxxx'
 # where 'pk.xxxxxxx' is your MapBox API Key

Note that sadly libshumate creates a cache directory name from which the MapBox access token may be recovered, so there is little security / privacy gain by using the secret key-ring, alas. See Gitlab issue.

Additional Map Sources: sources.json#

sources.json facilitates adding non-standard map sources to mwp. See the anonymous maps section and comments in the source files in the qproxy directory.

Here is an example mwptools/src/samples/sources.json.

 "sources" : [
      "id": "OpenTopoMP",
      "name": "OpenTopo",
      "license": "(c) OSM",
      "license_uri": "",
      "min_zoom": 0,
      "max_zoom": 19,
      "tile_size": 256,
      "projection": "MERCATOR",
      "uri_format": "http://map-proxy/mapproxy/tiles/1.0.0/opentopo/EPSG3857/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
      "id": "LandscapeMP",
      "name": "Landscape",
      "license": "(c) OSM",
      "license_uri": "",
      "min_zoom": 0,
      "max_zoom": 19,
      "tile_size": 256,
      "projection": "MERCATOR",
      "uri_format": "http://map-proxy/mapproxy/tiles/1.0.0/landscape/EPSG3857/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
      "id": "CyclemapMP",
      "name": "Cyclemap",
      "license": "(c) OSM",
      "license_uri": "",
      "min_zoom": 0,
      "max_zoom": 19,
      "tile_size": 256,
      "projection": "MERCATOR",
      "uri_format": "http://map-proxy/mapproxy/tiles/1.0.0/cyclemap/EPSG3857/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
      "id": "Black",
      "name": "Black Tiles",
      "license": "(c) jh ",
      "license_uri": "",
      "min_zoom": 0,
      "max_zoom": 20,
      "tile_size": 256,
      "projection": "MERCATOR",
      "spawn" : "bproxy"

See also anonymous maps to customise the "black tile". The spawn stanza uses a proxy for non-TMS formats (see mwptools/src/qproxy for some examples).


vol.css contains alternate CSS themeing for the battery voltage dock item that may work better on dark desktop themes. An example file is provided as mwp/vcol.css which can be copied into .config/mwp/.


The places (~/.config/mwp/places) file is a delimited (CSV) file that defines a list of "shortcut" home locations used by the "View / Centre on Position ..." menu item. It consists of a Name, Latitude, Longitude and optionally zoom level, separated by a TAB,|,: or ;. Note that positions may be localised in the file and thus . is no longer recognised as a field separator.

Example places

# mwp places name,lat,lon [,zoom]

The user may maintain these files manually if used, or use the graphic places editor. The command line option --centre accepts a place name as well as a geographic coordinates.

Panel settings#

See the migration guide for information concerning:

  • ~/.config/mwp/panel.conf
  • ~/.config/mwp/.paned

Dconf / gsettings#

The underlying infrastructure used by mwp has a facility for storing configuration items in a registry like store. This is used extensively by mwp. The items can viewed and modified using a number of tools:

  • mwp preference dialogue (for a small subset of the items)
  • The dconf-editor graphical settings editor (Linux, FreeBSD)
  • The command line gsettings tool (Linux, FreeBSD, Windows)
  • Regedit (Windows)
  • Text Editor (MacOS)

MacOS (exception)#

Gtk on MacOS does not support gsettings in a useful way. As a work around, MacOS settings are stored in a text .ini file, $HOME/.config/mwp/mwp.ini.

Linux, FreeBSD, Windows#

For gsettings and dconf-editor, the name-space is org.stronnag.mwp, so to view the list of items:

$ gsettings list-recursively  org.stronnag.mwp

and to list then get / set a single item:

$ gsettings get org.stronnag.mwp log-save-path
$ gsettings set org.stronnag.mwp log-save-path ~/flight-logs/


This may not be installed by default, but should be available via the OS package manager / software centre.

dconf editor

Initial dconf-editor showing all mwp settings

dconf editor

dconf-editor, editing a setting

List of mwp settings#

List of mwp settings#

Name Summary Description Default
adjust-tz Adjust FC's TZ (and DST) mwp should adjust FC's TZ (and DST) based on the local clock true
ah-invert-roll Invert AH roll Set to true to invert roll in the AH (so it becomes an attitude indicator) false
armed-msp-placebo Antidote to armed menus placebo Whether to suppress desensitising of MSP action items when armed. false
arming-speak speak arming states whether to reporting arming state by audio false
atexit Something that is executed at exit e.g. gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power idle-dim true. See also manage-power (and consider setting manage-power to true instead). ""
atstart Something that is executed at startup e.g. gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power idle-dim false. See also manage-power (and consider setting to true). ""
audio-on-arm start audio on arm start audio on arm (and stop on disarm) true
auto-follow set auto-follow set auto-follow on start true
auto-restore-mission Whether to automatically import a mission in FC memory to MWP If the FC holds a valid mission in memory, and there is no mission loaded into MWP, this setting controls whether MWP automatically downloads the mission. false
autoload-geozones Autoload geozones from FC Autoload geozones from FC on connect, remove from display on disconnect false
autoload-safehomes Load safehomes on connect . If true, then safehomes will be loaded from the FC on connection. false
baudrate Baud rate Serial baud rate 115200
beep Beep for alerts Whether to emit an alert sound for alerts. true
blackbox-decode Name of the blackbox_decode application Name of the blackbox_decode application (in case there are separate for iNav and betaflight) "blackbox_decode"
bluez-disco Use Bluetooth discovery Only discovered Bluetooth serial devices with non-zero RSSI will be offered true
default-altitude Default altitude Default Altitude for mission (m) 20
default-latitude Default Latitude Default Latitude when no GPS 50.909528
default-loiter Default Loiter time Default Loiter time 30
default-longitude Default Longitude Default Longitude when no GPS -1.532936
default-map Default Map Default map key ""
default-nav-speed Default Nav speed Default Nav speed (m/s). For calculating durations only. 2.5
default-zoom Default Map zoom Default map zoom 15
delta-minspeed Minimum speed for elapsed distance updates Minimum speed for elapsed distance updates (m/s). Default is zero, which means the elapsed distance is always updated; larger values will take out hover / jitter movements. 0.0
device-names Device names A list of device names to be added to those that can be auto-discovered []
display-distance Distance units 0=metres, 1=feet, 2=yards 0
display-dms Position display Show positions as dd:mm:ss rather than decimal degrees false
display-speed Speed units 0=metres/sec, 1=kilometres/hour, 2=miles/hour, 3=knots 0
dump-unknown dump unknown dump unknown message payload (debug aid) false
espeak-voice Default espeak voice Default espeak voice (see espeak documentation) "en"
flash-warn Flash storage warning If a dataflash is configured for black box, and this key is non-zero, a warning in generated if the data flash is greater than "flash-warn" percent full. 0
flite-voice-file Default flite voice file Default flite voice file (full path, *.flitevox), see flite documentation) ""
forward Types of message to forward Types of message to forward (none, LTM, minLTM, minMAV, all) "minLTM"
ga-alt Units for GA Altiude 0=m, 1=ft, 2=FL 0
ga-range Units for GA Range 0=m, 1=km, 2=miles, 3=nautical miles 0
ga-speed Units for GA Speed 0=m/s, 1=kph, 2=mph, 3=knots 0
geouser User account on A user account to query for blackbox log timezone info. A default account of 'mwptools' is provided; however users are requested to create their own account. "mwptools"
gpsd-host gpsd provider Provider for GCS location via gpsd. Default is "localhost", can be set to other host name or IP address. Setting blank ("") disables. "localhost"
gpsintvl gps sanity time (m/s) gps sanity time (m/s), check for current fix 2000
ident-limit MSP_IDENT limit for MSP recognition Timeout value in seconds for a MSP FC to reply to a MSP_INDENT probe. Effectively a timeout counter in seconds. Set to a negative value to disable. 60
ignore-nm Ignore Network Manager Set to true to always ignore NM status (may slow down startup) false
kml-path Directory for KML overlays Directory for KML overlays, default = current directory ""
led GPS LED colour GPS LED colour as well know string or #RRGGBB "#60ff00"
log-on-arm start logging on arm start logging on arm (and stop on disarm) false
log-path Directory for replay log files Directory for log files (for replay), default = current directory ""
log-save-path Directory for storing log files Directory for log files (for save), default = current directory ""
los-margin Margin(m) for LOS Analysis Margin(m) for LOS Analysis 0
mag-sanity Enable mag sanity checking mwp offers a primitive mag sanity checker that compares compass heading with GPS course over the ground using LTM (only). There are various hard-coded constraints (speed > 3m/s, certain flight modes) and two configurable parameters that should be set here in order to enable this check. The parameters are angular difference (⁰) and duration (s). The author finds a settings of 45,3 (i.e. 45⁰ over 3 seconds) works OK, detecting real instances (a momentarily breaking cable) and not reporting false positives. ""
manage-power manage power and screen whether to manage idle and screen saver false
map-sources Additional Map sources JSON file defining additional map sources ""
mapbox-apikey Mapbox API Key Mapbox API key, enables Mapbox as a map Provider. Setting blank ("") disables. ""
mavlink-sysid Sysid for synthesised MAVLink System ID in the range 2-255 (see MAVlink documentation and particularly the GCS guidance, 2nd paragraph ibid) 106
max-climb-angle Maximum climb angle highlight for terrain analysis If non-zero, any climb angles exceeding the specified value will be highlighted in Terrain Analysis Climb / Dive report. Note that the absolute value is taken as a positive (climb) angle 0.0
max-dive-angle Maximum dive angle highlight for terrain analysis If non-zero, any dive angles exceeding the specified value will be highlighted in Terrain Analysis Climb / Dive report. Note that the absolute value is taken as a negative (dive) angle 0.0
max-home-delta home position delta (m) Maximum variation of home position without verbal alert 2.5
max-radar-slots Maximum number of aircraft Maximum number of aircraft reported by iNav-radar 4
max-wps Maximum number of WP supported Maximum number of WP supported 120
min-dem-zoom Minimum zoom for DEM loading DEMs will not be fetched if zoom is below this value 9
misc-icon-size Miscellaneous icon size Size for miscellaneous icons (radar, GCS location) in pixels. -1 means the image's natural size (no scaling). 32
mission-meta-tag use meta vice mwp in mission file If true, the legacy 'mwp' tag is named 'meta' false
mission-path Directory for mission files Directory for mission files, default = current directory ""
msp2-adsb MSP2_ADSB_VEHICLE_LIST usage Options for requesting MSP2_ADSB_VEHICLE_LIST. "off": never request, "on:" always request, "auto:" heuristic based on serial settings / bandwidth "off"
osd-mode Data items overlaid on the map 0 = none, 1 = current WP/Max WP, 2 = next WP distance and course. This is a mask, so 3 means both OSD items. 3
p-height Internal setting 720
p-is-fullscreen Internal setting false
p-is-maximised Internal setting true
p-pane-width Internal setting Please do not change this unless you appreciate the consequences 0
p-width Internal setting 1280
poll-timeout Poll messages timeout (ms) Timeout in milliseconds for telemetry poll messages. Note that timer loop has a resolution of 100ms. 900
pos-is-centre Determines position label content Whether the position label is the centre or pointer location false
radar-alert-altitude Altitude below which ADS-B alerts may be generated Target altitude (metres) below which ADS-B proximity alerts may be generated. Requires that 'radar-alert-range' is also set (non-zero). Setting to 0 disables. Note that ADS-B altitudes are AMSL (or geoid). 0
radar-alert-range Range below which ADS-B alerts may be generated Target range (metres) below which ADS-B proximity alerts may be generated. Requires that 'radar-alert-altitude' is also set (non-zero). Setting to 0 disables. 0
radar-list-max-altitude Maximum altitude for targets to show in the radar list view Maximum altitude (metres) to include targets in the radar list view. Targets higher than this value will show only in the map view. This is mainly for ADS-B receivers where there is no need for high altitude targets to be shown. Setting to 0 disables. Note that ADS-B altitudes are AMSL (or geoid). 0
rings-colour range rings colour range rings colour as well know string or #RRGGBBAA "#ffffff20"
rth-autoland Set land on RTH waypoints Automatically assert land on RTH waypoints false
say-bearing Whether audio report includes bearing Whether audio report includes bearing true
show-sticks Whether to show sticks in log replay If "yes", stick position is shown bottom right during log replay, if "no" , never shown. If "icon", then it shown iconified (bottom right) "icon"
sidebar-type Sidebar type Options for the sidebar type. Unless you know better, leave at auto "auto"
smartport-fuel-unit User selected fuel type Units label for smartport fuel (none, %, mAh, mWh) "none"
speak-amps When to speak amps/hr used none, live-n, all-n n=1,2,4 : n = how often spoken (modulus basically) "none"
speak-interval Interval between voice prompts Interval between voice prompts, 0 disables 15
speech-api API for speech synthesis espeak, speechd, flite. Only change this if you know you have the required development files at build time "espeak"
speechd-voice Default speechd voice Default speechd voice (see speechd documentation) "male1"
stats-timeout timeout for flight statistics display (s) Timeout before the flight statistics popup automatically closes. A value of 0 means no timeout. 30
symbol-scale Symbol scale Symbol scale factor, scales map symbols as multiplier. 1.0
touch-factor Touch (Hi)DPI scaling Adjustment factor for HiDpi touch screens (0 disable, often 1.5 or 2.0). 0.0
touch-scale Touch symbol scale Symbol scale factor, scales map symbols as multiplier (for touch screens) 1.0
uc-mission-tags Upper case mission XML tags If true, MISSION, VERSION and MISSIONITEM tags are upper case (for interoperability with legacy Android applications) false
uilang Language Handling "en" do everything as English (UI numeric decimal points, voice), "ev" do voice as English (so say 'point' for decimals even when shown as 'comma') ""
view-mode UAV view mode Options for model view "inview"
vlevels Voltage levels Semi-colon(;) separated list of cell voltages values for transition between voltage label colours ""
wp-dist-size Font size (points) for OSD WP distance display Font size (points) for OSD WP distance display 56.0
wp-spotlight Style for the 'next waypoint' highlight Defines RGBA colour for 'next way point' highlight "#ffffff60"
wp-text-style Style of text used for next WP display Defines the way the WP numbers are displayed. Font, size and RGBA description (or well known name, with alpha) "Sans 72/#ff000060"
zone-detect Application to return timezone from location If supplied, the application will be used to return the timezone (in preference to The application should take latitude and longitude as parameters. See samples/ ""

Replicating gsettings between machines or users#

The standard system dconf application can be used to back up and restore the above gsettings. To backup the settings:

dconf dump /org/stronnag/mwp  >/tmp/mwp-dconf.txt

To restore the settings (overwrite). This could be for a different user or on a new machine.

dconf load /org/stronnag/mwp  </tmp/mwp-dconf.txt

Settings precedence and user updates#

mwp installs a number of icon files in $prefix/share/mwp/pixmaps. The user can override these by creating an eponymous file in the user configuration directory, ~/.config/mwp/pixmaps/. Such user configurations are never over-written on upgrade.

For example, to replace a mwp specific icon; i.e. replace the GCS Location icon ($prefix/share/mwp/pixmaps/gcs.svg) with a user defined file ~/.config/mwp/pixmaps/gcs.svg.

While the file name must be consistent, the format does not have to be; the replacement could be be a PNG, rather than SVG; we're not MSDOS and file "extensions" are an advisory illusion.


e.g. replace the inav-radar icon.

mkdir -p ~/config/mwp/pixmaps
# copy the preview image
cp ~/.local/share/mwp/pixmaps/preview.png  ~/config/mwp/pixmaps/
# (optionally) resize it to 32x32 pixels
mogrify -resize 80% ~/config/mwp/pixmaps/preview.png
# and rename it, mwp doesn't care about the 'extension', this is not MSDOS:)
mv  ~/config/mwp/pixmaps/preview.png  ~/config/mwp/pixmaps/inav-radar.svg
# and verify ... perfect
file ~/.config/mwp/pixmaps/inav-radar.svg
/home/jrh/.config/mwp/pixmaps/inav-radar.svg: PNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced

Note also that the resize step is no longer required, as mwp scales the icon according to the misc-icon-size setting.

Environment variables#

mwp recognises the following application specific environment variables

Name                                   Usage
CFG_UGLY_XML Generate ugly multi-mission XML, so as not to confuse the inav configurator
MWP_ARGS Extra command line arguments
MWP_BLACK_TILE Specify a black tile to be used by the Black Tiles map proxy
MWP_LOG_DIR Location of console logs ($HOME if undefined)
MWP_PRINT_RAW If defined, output hex bytes from serial I/O
MWP_TIME_FMT The time format for log output; by default "%FT%T%z", any GLib2 DateTime (strftime-like) format may be used; "%T.%f" works well on modern GLib.

Mime types for common file formats#

mwp adds XDG mime types for certain file types handled by mwp.

Data Source Mime Type File Manager DnD
Multiwii Mission (XML) application/ Yes 1 Yes 2
Blackbox log application/vnd.blackbox.log Yes Yes
Mwp telemetry log application/vnd.mwp.log Yes Yes
Multiwii mission (mwp JSON) application/vnd.mwp.json.mission Yes Yes
OTX telemetry log application/vnd.otx.telemetry.log No Yes


1. The file manager (at least Nautilus / Gnome) will offer mwp as the default application to open the file.

2. DnD. The file can be dropped onto the mwp map and will be opened. The file may also be provided on the mwp command line without --option; e.g. mwp --mission demo.mission and mwp demo.mission will behave in the same way.