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mwp Migration Guide#

This document describes the migration from legacy (Gtk+-3.0) mwp to contemporary (Gtk4) mwp.


System Requirements#

Supported OS#

  • Modern Open Source POSIX operating system, for example:
    • Alpine Linux 3.20+
    • Arch Linux
    • Debian "Trixie" / "Sid" (and derivatives)
    • Fedora 40+
    • FreeBSD 14+
    • Ubuntu 24.04 and later (and derivatives).

Unsupported but usable OS#

Note that most of the documentation assumes open source OS (Linux, FreeBSD) semantics. See the "Platform Specifics" documents for differences.

Specific components#

The following are minimum versions.

  • Gtk4 (4.14)
  • libsoup3 (3.2)
  • libshumate (1.3)
  • meson (1.40)
  • blueprint-compiler (0.12.0)
  • libvte4
  • libadwaita-1 1.5
  • libsecret-1
  • librsvg

For replaying blackbox log, bbl2kml 1.0.24 or later is rquired.

GSettings /DConf schema#

The gsettings / dconf schema is now /org/stronnag/mwp/. The keys are (mainly) the same as for legacy mwp/gtk3 and may be migrated:

dconf dump /org/mwptools/planner/ | dconf load /org/stronnag/mwp/

Gsettings Description#

The full list of settings is maintained in a separate article, machine generated from the source code.


libshumate is the replacement for the obsolete libchamplain. libshumate uses a different cache directory organisation compared to libchamplain. If required, you can bulk move (rsync etc.) your old libchamplain files to the new locations.

The old files are under ~/.cache/champlain/, the new cache ~/.cache/shumate/; the following table illustrates the naming for Bing and OpenStreetmap caches. Other caches follow a similar pattern.

libchamplain libshumate
osm-mapnik https___tile_openstreetmap_org__z___x___y__png
BingProxy http___localhost_31897_Bing__z___x___y__png

Map Sources#

In preparation for the announced removal of the Bing Maps service, mwp adds two new imagery sources:

  • ESRI Clarity : No registration required, some minor data quality affects.
  • MapBox : Requires registration, the user acquiring a Mapbox API key. This key may be either stored in the Desktop keyring (managed by libsecret) or as a plain text string in the gsettings database.


Add to the MapBox key to the user keyring using secret-tool with the following attributes:

secret-tool store --label="Mapbox API" name mapbox-api-key domain org.stronnag.mwp
Password: *************************************************


Alternatively, the key can be added to the gsettings database:

 gsettings set org.stronnag.mwp mapbox-apikey 'pk.xxxxxxx'
 # where 'pk.xxxxxxx' is your MapBox API Key

Note that sadly libshumate creates a cache directory name from which the MapBox access token may be recovered, so there is little security / privacy gain by using the secret key-ring, alas. See Gitlab issue.

Bing Services#

While it lasts, the Bing services (no registration required) provide:

  • Bing Aerial : Imagery with no annotations
  • Bing Hybrid : Imagery with road / place annotations

Side Panel#

As libgdl is retired, a simple, bespoke panel comprising embedded resizeable panes has been implemented. The configuration may be user defined by a simple text file ~/.config/mwp/panel.conf.

  • The panel consists for four vertical panels
  • The top panel can hold three horizontal panes
  • The other panels can hold two panes.

Each entry is defined by a comma separated line defining the panel widget, the row (0-3) and the column (0-2) and an optional minimum size (only required for the artificial horizon). The default panel is defined (in the absence of a configuration file) as:

# default widgets
rssi, 1, 0
dirn, 1, 1
flight, 2, 0
volts, 3, 0

Which appears as: mwp4-panel-0

The available panel widgets are named as:

Name Usage
ahi Artificial horizon
dirn Direction comparison
flight "Flight View" Position / Velocity / Satellites etc,
volts Battery information
vario Vario indicator
wind Wind Estimator (BBL replay only)

No other legacy widgets have been migrated.

So using the following ~/.config/mwp/panel.conf

# default + vario + wind widgets
ahi, 0, 1, 100
rssi, 0, 0
wind, 1, 0
dirn, 1, 1
flight, 2, 0
volts, 3, 0

would appear as: mwp4-panel-1

Note: If you change ~/.config/mwp/panel.conf, you should exit mwp and delete ~/.config/mwp/.paned before restarting mwp.


mwp (Gtk4) and legacy (Gtk+-3.0) versions can coexist.

  • Install legacy mwp (Gtk+-3.0)
  • Rename the executable (e.g. to mwp3)
  • Install master mwp (Gtk4).

If you use any of the map proxies (bproxy, gmproxy), you must use the latest version.

Display Variables / Tweaks#

There are a couple of Gtk related environment variables that may affect the performance of mwp, particularly on older or less well supported GPUs:

  • GSK_RENDERER : Recently the Gtk renderer default was changed from gl to ngl (4.14+) to vulkan (4.16+). On some older / less well supported GPUs it may be necessary to use the cairo renderer; cairo is also necessary on the author's touch screen tablet for correct touch screen WP dragging. Note that there may well be trade offs: on one of the author's machines, WP dragging seems slightly snappier using the cairo GSK_RENDERER, however the CPU usage for BBL replay is much greater using cairo compared to vulkan.
  • GDK_BACKEND : In the event that your hardware / software stack is almost hopelessly broken such that mwp is aborted with a Gdk message like "Error 71 (Protocol error) dispatching to Wayland display", then setting this variable to x11 may allow mwp to continue.

From mwp 24.10.28, mwp will set GSK_RENDERER=cairo for its own use if the OS or user has not previously set GSK_RENDERER.

The environment variable(s) may be set in ~/.config/mwp/cmdopts for mwp exclusive use if required.


Otherwise, the variable(s) may be set in /etc/environment, .profile or a .config/environment.d file if required.


If you use a map sources file in ~/.config/mwp, you may optionally convert the #X# elements (for X, Y, Z) replacing with more standard {x} etc.


  • ublox-geo (abandoned)

OS Specifics#


For the Debian package runtime dependencies:

libadwaita-1-0 (>= 1.5~beta)
libc6 (>= 2.38)
libcairo2 (>= 1.2.4)
libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-0 (>= 2.22.0)
libglib2.0-0t64 (>= 2.80.0)
libgraphene-1.0-0 (>= 1.5.4)
libgstreamer1.0-0 (>= 1.6.0)
libgtk-4-1 (>= 4.13.5)
libgudev-1.0-0 (>= 146)
libjson-glib-1.0-0 (>= 1.5.2)
libpaho-mqtt1.3 (>= 1.3.0)
libpango-1.0-0 (>= 1.14.0)
libprotobuf-c1 (>= 1.0.1)
libsecret-1-0 (>= 0.7)
libshumate-1.0-1 (>= 1.0.0~alpha.1+20220818)
libsoup-3.0-0 (>= 3.3.1)
libtinfo6 (>= 6)
libxml2 (>= 2.7.4)
Example packages:

sudo apt install -y blueprint-compiler libprotobuf-c-dev \
  libvte-2.91-gtk4-dev libshumate-dev libpaho-mqtt-dev libgtk-4-dev \
  libadwaita-1-dev libsecret-1-dev librsvg2-dev


The Ubuntu 24.04 version of meson is too old. A more update version may be installed locally using pipx. For Ubuntu 24.10, the distro version is adequate.

sudo apt install pipx
pipx install meson

Other packages as for Debian.


Example package list:

sudo dnf5 install -y libshumate-devel vte291-gtk4-devel protobuf-c-devel \
    paho-c-devel blueprint-compiler gtk4-devel libsecret-devel


Requires mwptools 2024.11.20 or later.

  • Use Homebrew to install required packages (names may be evinced from the Linux docs)
  • Follow generic instructions for meson and ninja


The DBus name / path are changed to map the application Id; e.g. org.stronnag.mwp and /org/stronnag/mwp. A few of the DBus interfaces have been enhanced.