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Troubleshooting and Support#



How, where#

"Supported" OS#

  • Arch Linux
  • Alpine Linux (Edge)
  • Chimera Linux
  • Debian Testing (trixie, sid), and contemporaneous derivatives.
  • Fedora latest
  • FreeBSD latest RELEASE
  • Supported Desktop Enviroment / Window Managers: basically must comply with XDG standards, specifically GNOME, KDE, xfce, LXqt, labwc, wayfire.

Tolerated / Unsupported OS#

  • Windows (via Msys2)
  • MacOS (Homebrew)

Supported infrastructure#

  • Native hardware (x64_x86, ia32, aarch64, riscv64).
  • Open source OS (Linux or FreeBSD)
  • Non-proprietary video driver.
  • qemu/kvm virtualised instances.
  • Little endian (big endian never tested).
  • Recent release of mwp

Information requirements#

Clear description of the issue#

  • A step of steps to reproduce the issue
  • The actual and expected outcomes
  • Include mwp's console log, from your home directory (Documents\mwp for Windows), mwp_stderr_YYYY-MM-DD.txt, e.g. $HOME/mwp_stderr_2021-12-28.txt. Do not delete any information from this file; the contents are there for a purpose. Or paste the whole terminal output into a file (or copy / paste into the issue). The terminal output may include information from system components that are not the mwp log (e.g. GDK / GTK / Wayland messages).
  • If your issue concerns telemetry, include a sample of data that causes the issue. Raw logs may be captured with the --raw-log option.
  • If you're having a problem playing a blackbox log (or other flight log), include the problematic log.

Due to Github's file type theatre, it may be necessary to encapsulate such artefacts in gzip, tar.gz or zip file.

Issues that do not meet these information requirements most likely be ignored / closed without explanation.


  • Anything else!

Problem reports on non-supported platforms may receive some consideration, however it's unlikely that too much time be expended on such environments unless the problem can also be demonstrated on a supported platform (or it's an interesting issue). Compliance with the Information requirements above is mandatory.