adjust-tz |
Adjust FC's TZ (and DST) |
mwp should adjust FC's TZ (and DST) based on the local clock |
true |
ah-invert-roll |
Invert AH roll |
Set to true to invert roll in the AH (so it becomes an attitude indicator) |
false |
armed-msp-placebo |
Antidote to armed menus placebo |
Whether to suppress desensitising of MSP action items when armed. |
false |
arming-speak |
speak arming states |
whether to reporting arming state by audio |
false |
assist-key |
Ublox Assist now key |
Ublox Assist now key. |
"" |
atexit |
Something that is executed at exit |
e.g. gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power idle-dim true . See also manage-power (and consider setting manage-power to true instead). |
"" |
atstart |
Something that is executed at startup |
e.g. gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power idle-dim false . See also manage-power (and consider setting to true). |
"" |
audio-on-arm |
start audio on arm |
start audio on arm (and stop on disarm) |
true |
auto-follow |
set auto-follow |
set auto-follow on start |
true |
auto-restore-mission |
Whether to automatically import a mission in FC memory to MWP |
If the FC holds a valid mission in memory, and there is no mission loaded into MWP, this setting controls whether MWP automatically downloads the mission. |
false |
autoload-geozones |
Autoload geozones from FC |
Autoload geozones from FC on connect, remove from display on disconnect |
false |
autoload-safehomes |
Load safehomes on connect |
. If true, then safehomes will be loaded from the FC on connection. |
false |
baudrate |
Baud rate |
Serial baud rate |
115200 |
beep |
Beep for alerts |
Whether to emit an alert sound for alerts. |
true |
blackbox-decode |
Name of the blackbox_decode application |
Name of the blackbox_decode application (in case there are separate for iNav and betaflight) |
"blackbox_decode" |
bluez-disco |
Use Bluetooth discovery |
Only discovered Bluetooth serial devices with non-zero RSSI will be offered |
true |
default-altitude |
Default altitude |
Default Altitude for mission (m) |
20 |
default-latitude |
Default Latitude |
Default Latitude when no GPS |
50.909528 |
default-loiter |
Default Loiter time |
Default Loiter time |
30 |
default-longitude |
Default Longitude |
Default Longitude when no GPS |
-1.532936 |
default-map |
Default Map |
Default map key |
"" |
default-nav-speed |
Default Nav speed |
Default Nav speed (m/s). For calculating durations only. |
7.0 |
default-zoom |
Default Map zoom |
Default map zoom |
15 |
delta-minspeed |
Minimum speed for elapsed distance updates |
Minimum speed for elapsed distance updates (m/s). Default is zero, which means the elapsed distance is always updated; larger values will take out hover / jitter movements. |
0.0 |
device-names |
Device names |
A list of device names to be added to those that can be auto-discovered |
[] |
display-distance |
Distance units |
0=metres, 1=feet, 2=yards |
0 |
display-dms |
Position display |
Show positions as dd:mm:ss rather than decimal degrees |
false |
display-speed |
Speed units |
0=metres/sec, 1=kilometres/hour, 2=miles/hour, 3=knots |
0 |
dump-unknown |
dump unknown |
dump unknown message payload (debug aid) |
false |
espeak-voice |
Default espeak voice |
Default espeak voice (see espeak documentation) |
"en" |
flash-warn |
Flash storage warning |
If a dataflash is configured for black box, and this key is non-zero, a warning in generated if the data flash is greater than "flash-warn" percent full. |
0 |
flite-voice-file |
Default flite voice file |
Default flite voice file (full path, *.flitevox), see flite documentation) |
"" |
forward |
Types of message to forward |
Types of message to forward (none, LTM, minLTM, minMAV, all, MSP1, MSP2, MAV1, MAV2) |
"minLTM" |
ga-alt |
Units for GA Altiude |
0=m, 1=ft, 2=FL |
0 |
ga-range |
Units for GA Range |
0=m, 1=km, 2=miles, 3=nautical miles |
0 |
ga-speed |
Units for GA Speed |
0=m/s, 1=kph, 2=mph, 3=knots |
0 |
geouser |
User account on |
A user account to query for blackbox log timezone info. A default account of 'mwptools' is provided; however users are requested to create their own account. |
"mwptools" |
gpsd-host |
gpsd provider |
Provider for GCS location via gpsd. Default is "localhost", can be set to other host name or IP address. Setting blank ("") disables. |
"localhost" |
gpsintvl |
gps sanity time (m/s) |
gps sanity time (m/s), check for current fix |
2000 |
ident-limit |
MSP_IDENT limit for MSP recognition |
Timeout value in seconds for a MSP FC to reply to a MSP_INDENT probe. Effectively a timeout counter in seconds. Set to a negative value to disable. |
60 |
ignore-nm |
Ignore Network Manager |
Set to true to always ignore NM status (may slow down startup) |
false |
kml-path |
Directory for KML overlays |
Directory for KML overlays, default = current directory |
"" |
led |
GPS LED colour |
GPS LED colour as well know string or #RRGGBB |
"#60ff00" |
log-on-arm |
start logging on arm |
start logging on arm (and stop on disarm) |
false |
log-path |
Directory for replay log files |
Directory for log files (for replay), default = current directory |
"" |
log-save-path |
Directory for storing log files |
Directory for log files (for save), default = current directory |
"" |
los-margin |
Margin(m) for LOS Analysis |
Margin(m) for LOS Analysis |
0 |
mag-sanity |
Enable mag sanity checking |
mwp offers a primitive mag sanity checker that compares compass heading with GPS course over the ground using LTM (only). There are various hard-coded constraints (speed > 3m/s, certain flight modes) and two configurable parameters that should be set here in order to enable this check. The parameters are angular difference (⁰) and duration (s). The author finds a settings of 45,3 (i.e. 45⁰ over 3 seconds) works OK, detecting real instances (a momentarily breaking cable) and not reporting false positives. |
"" |
manage-power |
manage power and screen |
whether to manage idle and screen saver |
false |
map-sources |
Additional Map sources |
JSON file defining additional map sources |
"" |
mapbox-apikey |
Mapbox API Key |
Mapbox API key, enables Mapbox as a map Provider. Setting blank ("") disables. |
"" |
mavlink-sysid |
Sysid for synthesised MAVLink |
System ID in the range 2-255 (see MAVlink documentation and particularly the GCS guidance, 2nd paragraph ibid) |
106 |
max-climb-angle |
Maximum climb angle highlight for terrain analysis |
If non-zero, any climb angles exceeding the specified value will be highlighted in Terrain Analysis Climb / Dive report. Note that the absolute value is taken as a positive (climb) angle |
0.0 |
max-dive-angle |
Maximum dive angle highlight for terrain analysis |
If non-zero, any dive angles exceeding the specified value will be highlighted in Terrain Analysis Climb / Dive report. Note that the absolute value is taken as a negative (dive) angle |
0.0 |
max-home-delta |
home position delta (m) |
Maximum variation of home position without verbal alert |
2.5 |
max-radar-slots |
Maximum number of INAV Radar vehicles |
Maximum number of vehicles reported by INAV Radar |
4 |
max-wps |
Maximum number of WP supported |
Maximum number of WP supported |
120 |
min-dem-zoom |
Minimum zoom for DEM loading |
DEMs will not be fetched if zoom is below this value |
9 |
mission-icon-alpha |
Alpha for mission icons |
Alpha for mission icons in the range 0 - 255. |
160 |
mission-meta-tag |
use meta vice mwp in mission file |
If true, the legacy 'mwp' tag is named 'meta' |
false |
mission-path |
Directory for mission files |
Directory for mission files, default = current directory |
"" |
msp2-adsb |
Options for requesting MSP2_ADSB_VEHICLE_LIST. "off": never request, "on:" always request, "auto:" heuristic based on serial settings / bandwidth |
"off" |
osd-mode |
Data items overlaid on the map |
0 = none, 1 = current WP/Max WP, 2 = next WP distance and course. This is a mask, so 3 means both OSD items. |
3 |
p-height |
Internal setting |
720 |
p-is-fullscreen |
Internal setting |
false |
p-is-maximised |
Internal setting |
true |
p-pane-width |
Internal setting |
Please do not change this unless you appreciate the consequences |
0 |
p-width |
Internal setting |
1280 |
poll-timeout |
Poll messages timeout (ms) |
Timeout in milliseconds for telemetry poll messages. Note that timer loop has a resolution of 100ms. |
900 |
pos-is-centre |
Determines position label content |
Whether the position label is the centre or pointer location |
false |
radar-alert-altitude |
Altitude below which ADS-B alerts may be generated |
Target altitude (metres) below which ADS-B proximity alerts may be generated. Requires that 'radar-alert-range' is also set (non-zero). Setting to 0 disables. Note that ADS-B altitudes are AMSL (or geoid). |
0 |
radar-alert-min-speed |
Speed above which ADS-B alerts may be generated |
Target speed (metres/sec) above which ADS-B proximity alerts may be generated. Requires that 'radar-alert-altitude' and "radar-alert-range" are also set. |
10 |
radar-alert-range |
Range below which ADS-B alerts may be generated |
Target range (metres) below which ADS-B proximity alerts may be generated. Requires that 'radar-alert-altitude' is also set (non-zero). Setting to 0 disables. |
0 |
radar-list-max-altitude |
Maximum altitude for targets to show in the radar list view |
Maximum altitude (metres) to include targets in the radar list view. Targets higher than this value will show only in the map view. This is mainly for ADS-B receivers where there is no need for high altitude targets to be shown. Setting to 0 disables. Note that ADS-B altitudes are AMSL (or geoid). |
0 |
rings-colour |
range rings colour |
range rings colour as well know string or #RRGGBBAA |
"#ffffff20" |
rth-autoland |
Set land on RTH waypoints |
Automatically assert land on RTH waypoints |
false |
say-bearing |
Whether audio report includes bearing |
Whether audio report includes bearing |
true |
show-sticks |
Whether to show sticks in log replay |
If "yes", stick position is shown bottom right during log replay, if "no" , never shown. If "icon", then it shown iconified (bottom right) |
"icon" |
sidebar-type |
Sidebar type |
Options for the sidebar type. Unless you know better, leave at auto |
"auto" |
smartport-fuel-unit |
User selected fuel type |
Units label for smartport fuel (none, %, mAh, mWh) |
"none" |
speak-amps |
When to speak amps/hr used |
none, live-n, all-n n=1,2,4 : n = how often spoken (modulus basically) |
"none" |
speak-interval |
Interval between voice prompts |
Interval between voice prompts, 0 disables |
15 |
speech-api |
API for speech synthesis |
espeak, speechd, flite. Only change this if you know you have the required development files at build time |
"espeak" |
speechd-voice |
Default speechd voice |
Default speechd voice (see speechd documentation) |
"male1" |
stats-timeout |
timeout for flight statistics display (s) |
Timeout before the flight statistics popup automatically closes. A value of 0 means no timeout. |
30 |
symbol-scale |
Symbol scale |
Symbol scale factor, scales map symbols as multiplier. |
1.0 |
touch-scale |
Touch symbol scale |
Symbol scale factor, scales map symbols as multiplier (for touch screens) |
1.0 |
uc-mission-tags |
Upper case mission XML tags |
If true, MISSION, VERSION and MISSIONITEM tags are upper case (for interoperability with legacy Android applications) |
false |
uilang |
Language Handling |
"en" do everything as English (UI numeric decimal points, voice), "ev" do voice as English (so say 'point' for decimals even when shown as 'comma') |
"" |
view-mode |
UAV view mode |
Options for model view |
"inview" |
vlevels |
Voltage levels |
Semi-colon(;) separated list of cell voltages values for transition between voltage label colours |
"" |
wp-dist-size |
Font size (points) for OSD WP distance display |
Font size (points) for OSD WP distance display |
56.0 |
wp-spotlight |
Style for the 'next waypoint' highlight |
Defines RGBA colour for 'next way point' highlight |
"#ffffff60" |
wp-text-style |
Style of text used for next WP display |
Defines the way the WP numbers are displayed. Font, size and RGBA description (or well known name, with alpha) |
"Sans 72/#ff000060" |
zone-detect |
Application to return timezone from location |
If supplied, the application will be used to return the timezone (in preference to The application should take latitude and longitude as parameters. See samples/ |
"" |